What is MLS Laser Therapy?

MLS Laser Therapy is an innovative treatment approach that uses dual wavelengths of light to effectively treat pain, inflammation, and edema. Here at Pacific Rheumatology Medical Center, we specialize in this state-of-the-art therapy which has been scientifically proven to accelerate cell repair and growth, improve vascular activity, increase metabolic activity, stimulate trigger and acupuncture points, reduce fibrous tissue formation, and reduce swelling caused by bruising or inflammation.

How Does MLS Laser Therapy Work?

MLS Laser Therapy uses a patented multi-wave locked system that combines 808nm (anti-edema and anti-inflammatory) and 905nm (analgesic) laser light. The light energy penetrates deeply into damaged cells and stimulates cellular activity. As a result, the cells of tendons, ligaments, and muscles repair themselves faster. Unlike many pharmacological treatments, MLS Laser Therapy is non-invasive, painless, and has no known side effects.

Benefits of MLS Laser Therapy

● Pain Relief: MLS Laser Therapy effectively treats pain without side effects associated with prescription painkillers and NSAIDs.
● Anti-inflammatory: MLS technology has anti-edema effects that help decrease swelling quickly.
● Accelerated Tissue Repair and Cell Growth: Photons of light from lasers penetrate deeply into tissue and accelerate cellular reproduction and growth.
● Improved Vascular Activity: Laser light increases the formation of new capillaries in damaged tissue, speeding up the healing process.
● Increased Metabolic Activity: MLS Laser Therapy creates higher outputs of specific enzymes, greater oxygen, and food particle loads for blood cells.
● Reduced Fibrous Tissue Formation: MLS Laser Therapy reduces the formation of scar tissue following tissue damage from cuts, scratches, burns, or surgery.
● Faster Wound Healing: Laser light stimulates fibroblast development and accelerates collagen synthesis in damaged tissue.

Conditions Treated by MLS Laser Therapy

MLS Laser Therapy is proven effective in treating conditions such as:
● Plantar Fasciitis
● Neuromas
● Neuropathies
● Arthritis
● Sports injuries
● Tendon & ligament injuries
● Back & joint pain
● Muscle sprains & strains
● Tendonitis
● Wounds
● Post-surgical swelling
● Disc disease

Why Choose Us for Your MLS Laser Therapy?

At Pacific Rheumatology Medical Center, our dedicated team is trained in the latest laser therapy techniques. We are committed to providing each patient with an individualized treatment plan that addresses their specific needs and health objectives. We believe in the power of MLS Laser Therapy to help our patients lead healthier, more comfortable lives.

Ready to experience the benefits of MLS Laser Therapy? Contact us today to schedule a consultation and find out if MLS Laser Therapy is right for you!

Frequently Asked Questions about MLS Laser Therapy

What is MLS Laser Therapy?
MLS Laser Therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses specific wavelengths of light to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and promote tissue repair. This therapy is effective for a wide range of conditions, including chronic pain, arthritis, and sports injuries.

How does MLS Laser Therapy work?
The therapy utilizes a Multi-Wave Locked System (MLS) where multiple wavelengths of light work together to penetrate deeply into the tissue. This triggers biological reactions which lead to the reduction of pain and inflammation and accelerates tissue healing.

Is MLS Laser Therapy painful?
No, MLS Laser Therapy is painless. Most patients do not feel anything, while some may experience a mild warming sensation at the treatment site which is generally found to be soothing.

How many treatments will I need?
The number of treatments varies depending on the condition being treated and its severity. In many cases, patients see relief after the first few sessions. Typically, a full treatment course involves between 6 to 12 sessions, but treatment plans can be customized to individual needs.

Are there any side effects associated with MLS Laser Therapy?
MLS Laser Therapy is safe and has no known side effects. It is a non-invasive method and does not require medication or other interventions which can often carry more significant risks.

Can MLS Laser Therapy be used in conjunction with other forms of treatment?
Yes, it can be used as part of a broader treatment regimen. It is often combined with physical therapy and other modalities to enhance healing and pain relief.

How long do the benefits of MLS Laser Therapy last?
Many patients experience long-lasting relief. The duration of the benefits can vary, depending on the underlying condition being treated and individual health factors. MLS Laser Therapy aims to treat not just symptoms but also the root cause of pain.

Who should avoid MLS Laser Therapy?
MLS Laser Therapy is suitable for most people. However, it should be avoided by pregnant women and those who have cancerous lesions near the site of the treatment. Always consult with a healthcare provider to ensure it is appropriate for your health condition.

How quickly will I see results from MLS Laser Therapy?
Some patients notice improvement immediately after treatment, while others may see a gradual improvement after a few sessions. The response to treatment varies from person to person.

Is MLS Laser Therapy covered by insurance?
Coverage varies by insurance provider and plan. Patients are encouraged to check with their insurance to understand what is covered under their specific policy.